Find a New Zealand Seller in your Region.

We recommend you only purchase Nelson Honey & Marketing’s products under our Brand Names Nelson Honey, Royal Nectar and Nectar Ease from officially authorised distributors, wholesalers and retailers. If you purchase from our official resellers and have any quality concerns you will be covered under our Customer Satisfaction Programme. Just take the product back to the shop you purchased from with a copy of the receipt.

Select the region in the drop down menu on below to find the nearest reseller in New Zealand.

How to Reach Us

276 State Highway 6
RD 2 Nelson 7072
New Zealand

NZ Callers Freephone: 0800 Buzzy B (0800 289 992)

International Callers: +64 3 5224413   Fax: +64 3 5224513

Business Hours: Mon-Fri 8 AM-4.30PM

Nelson Honey shop Hours:

Mon-Friday 8:30AM-4PM Sat/Sun closed

For Enquiries:

For Trade: